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Roof Repair – DIY Vs. Professional Solutions

Roof repair is a simple procedure – usually involving replacement of damaged or leaky shingles – that extends the lifespan of most roofs.

Decisions are often made by home owners, on some occasions considering on repair works carried out by themselves or paying for repairs done by expert technicians. The following paragraphs will explain the factors to be taken into consideraionwhether home owners do the works themselves or hire someone with necessary skills to conduct repairs.


Home owners performing a scraping task on a glass facade.One of the choices home owners make on a regular basis is whether they can perform some repairs or need to hire skilful people to undertake them. In the following paragraphs, the factors that home owners are required to take into account when determining whether to do it themselves or hire third parties will be explained.


Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow: Picture painted by K P Kuznetsov. Home owners fixing a broken window glass paneHaving to make a choice on a daily basis, home owners have a number of considerations to bear in mind when it comes to determining whether they have the necessary skills to conduct some of the tasks themselves or must hire some external parties.


Potential costs in repairing your own roof will depend on your level of experience and risk tolerance, amount of time available, and budget constraints. For small projects that repair and maintain missing shingles, loss of granules, flashing leaks or sealants, you will likely need only common roofing tools and materials; for injuries or structural damage, however, you’ll probably need to hire a professional.

Other issues entered the equation too, particularly safety considerations: working at height without the right safety equipment can be dangerous, and cheap, shoddy repairs can be worse, doing more damage down the line, which will be costly to put right.

Hiring contractors means safeguarding the warranties on the roofing materials you buy and use, while also assuring peace of mind: a good homeowners insurance policy will cover repairs to damaged roofs only if performed by contractors, and they can also offer so-called workmanship warranties to cover problems that arise from their work (and that might otherwise not be covered by the materials’ warranties), sometimes adding near-priceless value and often justifying the cost of a project.


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Another important factor to be taken into consideration, especially in projects involving special equipment is experience. This is because of the cost and time that might be effected due to mistakes made on certain project repairs.This is very explicit to repair projects that require specialised equipments such as ladders and shingles and roofing cement.

All other things being equal, it makes no sense to put off repairs, for that which is not fixed may escalate into something much worse. A progressively deteriorating leaky roof first allows the water to penetrate the interior of your premises and then to permeate its structure which, if unstayed, will definitely ruin it completely. In that event, hiring the right professional (as well as reputable) repairsmen to tackle the problem from the get-go will not just see to it that the problem gets fixed and calmed, but also that, at any rate, the repairs personnel are bidding for your business and not bankruptcy – many credible roof-repair companies these days offer warranties to underwrite your peace of mind as regards problems not covered by your homeowners’ insurance. This, for example, is particularly important when the damages under consideration are so substantial as to go beyond the scope of your homeowners’ policies.


Your roof is an important part of your home and provides shelter from the weather, which is likely to cause deterioration to it if it is not maintained. Yet, there is a wide variety of problems that can affect it from small leaks to significant structural failure.

It’s no secret that working on roofs is dangerous. Particularly households who aren’t trained in roof work and don’t have proper safety equipment. If not enough precautions are taken while working on a roof, injuries an property damage may occur.

Time Consumption

Repairing things in your house is no walk in the park. What might take a professional a couple of hours to fix will take an amateur home owner days, keeping him away from his work for hours at a time and causing further problems to arise later on.

If you are good at fixing roofs yourself and can save money, why not do it yourself? DIY repairs would also void any warranties or insurance on your home.


Roofs play an important role in any home in the sense that they act as shelters from external elements while also adding value to the house. Regrettably, however, roofs will eventually begin to decay and give rise to problems, leaving homeowners at a crossroads of determining whether to fix them by themselves or consult professional services based on reasons such as prices, safety and experience.

Existing shingles can be replaced or small leaks repaired with relative minimal effort – anyone with a hammer, nails, appropriate tools and some roofing knowledge can handle that – but bigger repairs or issues with structure would provide more work for a skilled tradesman.

First of all, doing the job on the roof is risky in many ways if you are not wearing the protective gear and if you don’t know the trade well enough. What is more, sometimes a DIYer fails to notice t crucial problems or repairs things in a way that does not really hold for good; instead he or she may cause a chain of further damage that will prompt even costlier repairs for the house owner. When you hire a professional contractor, as well as when you use premium materials, the results are supposed to be enduring and satisfactory; professional contractors are better prepared and, usually, they enjoy an excellent rank among buyers of their work, as they provide warranties and you can insure the contractor’s work.