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Roof Maintenance Checklist – Seasonal Tips for Homeowners

Your roof acts as the first line of defense against water, snow and other elements, and periodic inspection can help maintain it in good working order.

Inspections early detect dangagers that could have damage your roof ASAP,however,this is the best time to have a roof-repair instead of waiting until things escalate into a big problem.Overall, it’s in your interest to preemptively identify potential damages to your roof and address them as quickly as possible to save your roof,prevent roof damages and extend the roof’s life.

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Weathered roofs have to be maintained if they are to last longer, and they can be maintained through cleaning and inspection to increase its service life. Through a routine yearly roof inspection, you can detect problems like cracked tiles, missing shingles or leaks in your roof – those things would prolong its service life in case it would have not been maintained.

Begin by examining the roof’s surface, or the visible portion of your roof’s surface, for low areas that could potentially collect water as it stands, and for any blistered or cracked areas, as well as rusting, loose panels, damaged or missing tiles or shingle roofs with any missing shingles, scratches, fractures and fungi.

What homeowners might want to check for is wear or damage to things like the shingles, downspouts or flashing, as well as seals around vents, skylights and flues that could potentially wear away over time, perforating the sheathing, insulation or rafters.


When you have high winds and summer sun, tempertaures can quickly rise and with limbs and debris, roofs can be compromised rather quickly. Be sure that whatever limbs or debris of any kind on your roof are removed, this will help your roof immensely. When your roof is clean, it tends to reflect sunlight rather than absorb it, which means you can keep your home cooler and possibly avoid a leak at the same time.

Keep an eye out for the presence of moss, algae and mould on your roof. Moisture and precipitation provide an ideal environment for these growths on your roof, making the materials in the roof easier to penetrate and causing leaks and structural problems to form more easily over time.

Trim tree limbs that could damage your roof if they break off in a storm. I can’t count the number of damaged asphalt shingles that I’ve seen over the years from tree limbs that rubbed on roofing. Even worse, trees that overgrow by more than an 8 to 10-foot radius around a roof will block the draining systems underneath, potentially causing serious damage such as rotting joists and floors. Be sure to use a safe ladder when you go up on the roof to look for clogs in your gutters or leaks in other sections, which might require professional repair. Being proactive with maintenance only enhances and extends the life of your house.


Autumn is the moment to brush away leaves and twigs and other wet buildup from the roof to minimise water damage and keep your home warm and dry.

Curling or missing shingles are signs that your roof is leaking and need to be repaired in time to prevent further interior damage. Routinely inspect flashing, sealants and insulations of chimneys, vents, skylights and dormers. Weather conditions can slowly deteriorate them or erase them gradually over time. Insulation must also be properly installed, which will reduce your energy bills.

Third, trim the branches of any trees that overhang your roof and might cause damage to your roof or allow your house to become a safe haven for pests. Fourth, keep your gutters clear of debris so that rainwater that flows from your gutter does not pool and cause damage from the excess water. Lastly, ensure that your attic has proper ventilation so that it does not become a breeding ground for mould and mildew.


Your roof acts as a barrier when protecting your house from bad weather, so complete its protection all-year round by not letting small problems worsen and go unrepaired throughout the seasons.

Home owners should get ready for the winter when there is autumn. Leaves and other debris in gutters have to be removed. Chimneys have to be cleaned and flues checked. The flashing around ventilates and skylights should be examined. Trees next to your house or nearby should be trimmed so they do not fall on your property during bad weather.

In the winter, you should check your roof at least every month for ice dams, water marks, problems with the shingles, and any signs of inadequate insulation in your attic. Remove snow and boards so that your roof does not get weighed down and so that water does not accumulate; Ventilation facilitates the exchange of air and keeps the attic cool and moisture free, which in turn prevents ice dams from forming; Mould or moss means that the indoor climate is not sufficient to eliminate condensation and you need to start looking into a solution immediately; Clean the gutters so that the snow does not accumulate and weigh down your attic floor; Keep temperature and moisture at the right levels.